R&T Brothers LLC
What We Do
Copgain is a pioneering start-up in the field of portable monitors for laptops. Our mission is to revolutionize the way people work, play and connect by providing innovative solutions that enable multi-screen, multi-tasking, and multi-operation experiences.
We recognize the increasing demand for flexibility and efficiency in today’s fast-paced world. We understand that traditional laptop screens often limit productivity and creativity, and we aim to bridge that gap by offering cutting-edge portable monitors that seamlessly integrate with laptops and enhance the user experience.
Our team of skilled technicians is driven by a shared passion for technology and a deep understanding of the evolving needs of modern professionals, students, gamers and enthusiasts. With a relentless pursuit of excellence, we design and manufacture portable monitors that deliver exceptional performance, stunning visual quality and unmatched convenience.
Keywords (Enter by comma separated values)
Portable Monitors, Extension Monitors for Laptop; Electronics
Categories (5)
Store Displays/Fixturing/Signage/Packaging, Cameras/Tablets/Drones/MP3 Players/Home & Entertainment Audio, Cell Phone Accessories/Wearables/Headphones/Speakers, General Merchandise, Office/School Supplies
New Exhibitor
Montclair, CA
Company Offerings/Services
Ecommerce Friendly, Private Label

Organization Member List


Join us NOW to get $10 welcome discount 903
Join us NOW to get $10 welcome discount
CopGain Multi-Function PU Pad 799
CopGain Multi-Function PU Pad

